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i was looking for a solution to problem 6/110. anyone know where i may find this?
Please go to the usual location on the "Homework page" link on the left side of the blog page for this solution.
When putting up the Common Access Point post, I ran into some technical difficulties getting the link for 6/110 set up. I will continue to work on this, but please use the Homework page link in the meantime.
I have just put up a link to Problem 6/110 under this posting. Please note that this link is to a PDF of the solution rather than a solution video (solution video was damaged and I have not yet had time to re-record).
In Problem VIB 2, in the kinematics part, how do we find the relationship between delta y and delta x ?
The way i see it, y+2x= L
so delta y = - 2delta x
Anyone knows why we should have a plus sign instead?
Also, in problem 8/18, is it wrong to take the FBD of the 6kg cart by itself ?
That way we have an additional friction force on the top of the cart, and we know that f=mx(double dot)...this gives an EOM
x(double dot)+(k/(2m+M))x=0
Could you please tell us how to download these videos to our computer.
--to nour--
This depends on the choice of coordinates.
* If y is defined positive to the RIGHT (as was used in this soluiton), then the constraint is -y + 2x = constant. This gives delta_y = +2*delta_x.
* If y is defined positive to the LEFT, then the constraint is y + 2x = constant. This gives delta_y = -2*delta_x. This choice of coordinate is perfectly fine. However, keep in mind that this changes the sign convention on forces when you use Newton's second law.
In Problem 8/18, you could have alternately used an FBD of the 6kg block by itself. Newton's second law from this FBD would have M*x_dot_dot on the RHS (NOT (m+M)*x_dot_dot). In the end, the EOM is the same regardless of which FBD's that you use in the derivation.
Good questions.
Let us know if this is not clear.
--to vincent--
* To download a SAMPLE EXAM question or video from SOLUTION VIDEO MODULE: Click on a link above taking you to the video. Immediately under the video is a link on which you can "right-click" to download the video.
* To download a HOMEWORK PROBLEM solution video: Go the the "Homework page" link provided on the left side of this blog. Then "right-click" on a video in order to download the video. [Sorry that this route is not as direct as for the other videos. I did not set up these videos originally to facilitate downloads. It is a lot of work to set them up again to do so. Next time I will do it right from the start...]
Let me know if you have problems with downloading videos.
Will we be provided an equation sheet again for this exam? Will it be the same as last exam's?
Exam 3 equation sheet can be found here:
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